Tuesday, April 29, 2014
It's that fabulous time of the year again. Time for a week of sleepless nights, gallons of coffee, and cramming. It's finals week.
This year I'm fortunate enough to only have 3 more assignments during finals week-- 2 exams, 1 paper, and I'm out of here. I've packed up most of my room, I've got my ride home all figured out, and I just want summer to start.
Even though I'm excited to get this week over with, it's a bittersweet time. In 4 days time I'm going to leave the friends I see every single day for the summertime. Though I'm sure we'll talk all of the time, I'm going to miss them. And seeing my room emptying out, with boxes piling up, makes me nostalgic. It's been a fun year, full of wonderful memories, and I'm going to miss it.
So as you're stuffing your mind with seemingly pointless information, I hope you get some time to hang out with your friends. These are those years that everyone says will past by so quickly, so make 'em count.
Happy finals to you.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Trip to NYC
Let's just say I've been needing to post these pictures for a while now. Last month my friends and I took a Spring Break road trip up to Connecticut. While we were there, we took a day trip to New York City and it was absolutely awesome. I hadn't been there since I was very young, so I was completely tourist-ing it up and snapping a million photos. We ate New York pizza, walked through Times Square, fulfilled my dream of visiting The Plaza, and saw a million other famous places. It was wonderful and exhausting and so much fun. If you'd like to see a video montage of our entire trip, check out that post here!

Definitely one for the books.
30 Rock,
Alpha Gam,
Alpha Gamma Delta,
Dylan's Candy Bar,
Grand Central,
New York,
Radio City,
Rockefeller Plaza,
The Plaza,
Times Square,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Thoughts on a Monday (Numero Dos)
Random Monday thoughts...
-Does anyone want to do my laundry?
-How about that French homework?
-Paris seems amazing, I'd just rather skip that class.
-2 more weeks of classes and I'll be free.
-What the heck am I going to do all summer?
-The joy of finding summer jobs.
-The joy of summer though.
-I can't wait to be home.
-School is cool, but dorm rooms & the beach 3 hours away sucks.
-Homeward bound this weekend.
-My mom is the best.
-Lena Dunham magazine covers await.
-Girls needs to come back on.
-All my favorite shows are ending.
-Let's finish watching Freaks & Geeks first.
-Along with some M&Ms and gummy bears.
-So, about that laundry...
Someone please save me from my boredom. Happy Monday.
Image via Pinterest
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Thoughts on HIMYM
This is not a normal post for me, but as a How I Met Your Mother fan I feel like I need to say a few things. Spoilers are coming, so if you haven't watched it, don't read any further. Two days ago one of my favorite television show came to an end and I can't believe that's it. It's actually over. Surprise! I didn't hate it, but I have some issues with it. So here's where I vent about it.
A few weeks ago is when the rumors started about the Mother being sick. We all feared it, but we all knew it was going to happen. Some serious foreshadowing was going on, but I think a lot of fans didn't want to believe it. We've been waiting 9 Seasons for Ted to be with the Mother and she's going to die? Nononono. We've been waiting for Ted to find the one, and it was heartbreaking to think she might be gone.
There was a moment in the finale when I knew what was going to happen. The moment Barney & Robin told the group they were getting divorced was the moment I knew Ted would end up with Robin.
It all made sense. Ted would meet the Mother, marry her, have 2 kids, and then she would get sick. He'd end up with Robin. This is obviously where the internet exploded and all the backlash about this episode is coming from.
Think about it though. Would we really be content if Ted & Robin didn't end up together? I've grown to love the story between the two of them, especially this past season, and it wouldn't have felt right if they weren't together. I didn't see it coming, but at the same time I did. Robin has always known she was always supposed to be with Ted. Even on her wedding day. I think Ted was just too good of a friend, and a person to tell her that. HIMYM has been all about this grand story of love, romance, and destiny. Ted's destiny has always been for him to be with Robin, and I think he's always known that. I think as fans we've known that too. Robin has always been the one.
I'm happy with how things turned out, but my problem with the finale is that it was just so incredibly rushed. There were 10 minutes left of the episode and there were still so many loose ends! I think that's where the error was. This entire 9th season has been spent on the wedding day shenanigans, and random pointless encounters, when it could've been spent tying up loose ends. I just wanted them to get to the point and, and ultimately they did, but this season seriously dragged on and the finale felt so rushed. That's where some of my disappointment comes from.
I'm happy for Marshall & Lily and where there lives ended up. I'm happy Barney found a girl he could spend everyday loving. I'm sad Barney & Robin got divorced. I'm sad that the mother died. But ultimately I'm really happy Ted & Robin ended up together. The blue french horn ending was perfection. I just wish all of this wasn't shoved into an hour long episode.
How I Met Your Mother has been a pleasure to watch. It's been a hilarious story of friendship, life, and love. There's nothing that will ever change that.
Farewell to How I Met Your Mother. I can't believe it's over. It's been legendary.
How I Met Your Mother,
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